Mangrove Restoration Potential

The Nature Conservancy and IUCN, in collaboration with the University of Cambridge, developed the Mangrove Restoration Potential Map – a unique interactive tool designed to explore potential mangrove restoration areas world-wide, along the with the benefits association with such restoration.

The Mangrove Restoration Potential map can help countries to:

  • Identify areas with potential for sequestering high amounts of carbon, and for avoiding further carbon losses from the soil of former mangrove areas;
  • Predict the potential gains to fisheries from mangrove restoration in different locations
  • Highlight places where the flooding of coastal populations may be reduced through restoration
  • Support pledges on climate mitigation and adaptation actions as part of the Paris Agreement and NDCs
  • Support pledges on the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 13 (Climate Action)
  • Refine, as appropriate, the inclusion of mangrove restoration activities as part of national and sub-national REDD+ efforts